El Outayek, S. & Nguyen, V-T-V. 2019. Stochastic modeling of daily rainfall process in the context of climate change. Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. Laval, Quebec. (Oral Presentation)
Nguyen, T-H. & Nguyen, V-T-V. 2019. A decision support tool for assessing climate change impacts on design and management of urban water systems. Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. Laval, Quebec. (Oral Presentation)
Tolson B., Liu H., Thiboult A. & Anctil F. 2019. Trading off data and parameter uncertainty versus model structure uncertainty: a case study comparing single-model and multi-model ensemble streamflow forecasting. EGU General Assembly 2019. Vienna, Austria. (Oral Presentation)
Richard P., Anctil F. & Turcotte R. 2019. What have we learned comparing in the loop and out of the loop hydrologic prediction systems? 27th IUGG General Assembly. Montréal, Canada. (Oral Presentation)
Thiboult A. & Anctil F. 2019. A data assimilation technique to foster model cooperation within a hydrologic multimodel ensemble. 27th IUGG General Assembly. Montréal, Canada. (Oral Presentation)
Thiboult A. & Anctil F. 2019. Une méthode d’assimilation de données pour favoriser la coopération entre modèles. Colloque AQT/RHQ La télédétection et l’eau, danstous leurs états. Sherbrooke, Canada. (Oral Presentation)
Thiboult A., Seiller G., Poncelet C. & Anctil F. 2019. HOOPLA : un outil multifonction pour la modélisation hydrologique. Colloque AQT/RHQ La télédétection et l’eau, dans tous leurs états. Sherbrooke, Canada.(Oral Presentation)
Anctil F., Thiboult A., Poncelet C. & Valdez E. 2019. What to prioritize when putting together a hydrologic ensemble prediction system? Workshop on Flow Forecasting. Vancouver, Canada. (Oral Presentation)
Bessar MA., Anctil F. & Matte P. 2019. Short-term ensemble water level forecasts: Event-based evaluation of a river model coupled to a hydrometeorological ensemble prediction system. 27th IUGG General Assembly. Montréal, Canada. (Oral Presentation)
Tilmant A., Ashouri H., Valdez D., Piña J. & Anctil,F. 2019. A test bed to analyze the relationship between statistical scores and the economic performance of probabilistic hydrologic forecasts. EGU General Assembly 2019. Vienna, Austria. (Oral Presentation)
X. Tao & Song, W. 2019. A truthful location-protected mobile crowd sensing framework with user mobility Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications. Shanghai, China. (Oral Presentation)
X. Tao & Song, W. 2019. Efficient path planning and truthful incentive mechanism design for mobile crowd sensing 16th Annual Research Expo of Faculty of Computer Science. Fredericton, NB. (Poster Presentation)
Keum, J., & P. Coulibaly 2018. Assessing the effect ofstreamflow estimation at potential station locations in entropy-basedhydrometric network design. 13th International Conference on HydroinformaticsHIC 2018. Palermo, Italy. (Oral Presentation)
Nguyen, V-T-V. & T-H. Nguyen 2018. A decision supporttool for assessing the climate change impacts on urban water infrastructuredesign. 14th International Workshop on Precipitation in Urban Areas,.Pontresina, Switzerland. (Oral Presentation)
Nguyen, V-T-V. 2018. On statistical downscaling ofmulti-site hydrologic processes in the context of climate change. 15th AnnualMeeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society. Hawaii, USA. (OralPresentation)
Awol, F.S. & P. Coulibaly 2018. Evaluation of multi-model ensembleflood forecasting on Upper Assiniboine River Basin. American Geophysical Union.Washington, USA. (Poster Presentation)
Berg, A., H. MacRae, Z. Gedalof, J. Thomas-Ambadan, A.Colliander 2018. A soil moisture network developed in a boreal forest environmentfor evaluation of SMAP soil moisture retrievals. American Geophysical Union.Washington, USA. (Oral Presentation)
Han, S. & P. Coulibaly 2018. H31A-04: Hydrologicuncertainty processor with bias corrected ensemble weather forecasts to assesspredictive uncertainty in flood forecasting. American Geophysical Union.Washington, USA. (Oral Presentation)
Keum, J. & P. Coulibaly 2018. H33H-2162:Multi-model and multi-watershed integration in Flood Forecasting System. .American Geophysical Union. Washington, USA. (Poster Presentation)
Nguyen, V-T-V. 2018. On regional estimation of floods forpartially-gaged and ungaged sites. American Geophysical Union. Washington, USA.(Oral Presentation)
Pardo-Lara, R., Berg, A.A. & J. Warland 2018. Measuringfreeze/thaw (F/T) state and frozen soil moisture fraction using 50 MHz coaxialimpedance dielectric reflectometry probes in mid-latitudinal soils. AmericanGeophysical Union. Washington, USA. (Oral Presentation)
Requena, Ana I, Burn, D. & P. Coulibaly 2018. A frameworkfor pooled Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curve estimation in Canada.American Geophysical Union. Washington, USA. (Poster Presentation)
Tetlock, E. & A.A. Berg 2018. A 10-yr (2007 – 2017) Soilmoisture and precipitation dataset from the Kenaston/Brightwater Creek Basin,Saskatchewan, Canada. American Geophysical Union. Washington, USA. (OralPresentation)
Wijayarathne, D. B. & P. Coulibaly 2018. H33H-2157: Anevent-based spatiotemporal verification of Canadian Precipitation Analysis(CaPA) for enhanced calibration of flood forecasting models. AmericanGeophysical Union. Washington, USA. (Poster Presentation)
Xu J., Anctil F. & M.A. Boucher 2018. Hydrologicalpost-processing of streamflow forecasts issued from multimodel ensembleprediction systems. American Geophysical Union. Washington, USA. (OralPresentation)
Champagne, O., Arain, A. & P. Coulibaly 2018. Impact ofatmospheric circulation on streamflow in Southern Ontario. Canadian GeophysicalUnion Annual Meeting. Niagara Falls, ON. (Oral Presentation)
Durocher, M. & D.H. Burn 2018. Determining the Impact ofintersite correlations on flood quantile estimates in a pan-Canadian analysisusing copulas and super regions. Canadian Geophysical Union Annual Meeting.Niagara Falls, ON. (Oral Presentation)
Krafczek, M. & Berg, A. 2018. Contributions ofgeophysical data and SAR data collected at C-band and L-band for estimation offield scale soil moisture. Canadian Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. NiagaraFalls, ON. (Oral Presentation)
Lee, K., J. R. Craig & B. A. Tolson 2018. How correlated is Nash SutcliffeEfficiency (NSE) to model utility? An assessment using Decision Crash Testing(DCT). Canadian Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. Niagara Falls, ON. (Oral Presentation)
Lee, K., R. Chlumsky, J. R. Craig & B. A. Tolson 2018. Modelling Canadian Shield hydrology.Canadian Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. Niagara Falls, ON. (PosterPresentation)
Liu, H. & B. A. Tolson 2018. Explicitly accounting for climate and flow data uncertainty inhydrologic model calibration. Canadian Geophysical Union Annual Meeting.Niagara Falls, ON. (Oral Presentation)
Liu, H., A. Thiboult, B. A. Tolson, F. Anctil & J.Mai 2018. Efficient treatment of climatedata uncertainty in ensemble Kalman filter based on an existing historicalclimate ensemble dataset. Canadian Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. NiagaraFalls, ON. (Poster Presentation)
Mai, J., B. A. Tolson, K. Kornelsen, D. Schäfer, N. Gasset,V. Fortin, M. Leahy, P. Coulibaly 2018.Why you should know the Canadian Surface Prediction Archive CaSPAr. CanadianGeophysical Union Annual Meeting. Niagara Falls, ON. (Oral Presentation)
Pardo-Lara, R., Berg, A.A. & J. Warland 2018.Identification of a dynamic temperature threshold for soil moisture freeze/thaw(F/T) state classification using the soil real dielectric constant. CanadianGeophysical Union Annual Meeting. Niagara Falls, ON. (Oral Presentation)
Ruecker, A. Berg & C. Champagne 2018. Reducing errorbetween satellite and in situ soil moisture over Canadian croplands. CanadianGeophysical Union Annual Meeting. Niagara Falls, ON. (Oral Presentation)
Tolson, B. A., J. Bomhof & N. Kouwen 2018. Robust multi-objective calibration of asemi-distributed hydrological model. Canadian Geophysical Union Annual Meeting.Niagara Falls, ON. (Oral Presentation)
Muhammad, A., Stadnyk, T.A. & P. Coulibaly 2018. Floodproofing of Prairie potholes under future climate using the modified version ofSoil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Canadian Water Resources Association AnnualMeeting. Victoria, BC. (Oral Presentation)
Zhang, Z., Stadnyk, T. & D.H. Burn 2018. Flood frequencydistribution and regionalization techniques for Canada. Canadian WaterResources Association Annual Meeting. Victoria, BC. (Oral Presentation)
Zhang, Z., Stadnyk, T.A. and D.H. Burn 2018. Identificationof a broadly accepted statistical distribution for at-site flood frequencyanalysis in Canada. Canadian Water Resources Association Annual Meeting.Victoria, BC. (Oral Presentation)
Burn, D.H. & P.H. Whitfield 2018. Floods in Canada underclimate change – not necessarily larger but definitely different. CanadianWater Resources Association Annual Meeting. Victoria, BC. (Oral Presentation)
Mostofi Zadeh, S. & D.H. Burn 2018. Pooled analysis ofextreme flood events in Canada using peaks-over-threshold events. CanadianWater Resources Association Annual Meeting. Victoria, BC.. (Oral Presentation)
Ahmed, M., Elshorbagy, A. & A. Pietroniro 2018.Approaches for flood modelling in the Canadian prairies. Canadian WaterResources Association Annual Meeting. Victoria, BC. (Oral Presentation)
Gordon J.N. & N. Yiannakoulias 2018. A serious gamingapproach to understanding flood risk mitigation decision-making. Canadian WaterResources Association Annual Meeting. Victoria, BC. (Oral Presentation)
Fasching, C. Wilson, H.F., D’Amario, S.C. & M.A. Xenopoulos2018. Natural land cover in agricultural catchments alters flood effects on DOMcomposition and decreases nutrient levels in streams. European GeosciencesUnion (EGU) Meeting. Vienna, Austria. (Oral Presentation)
Zahmatkesh, Z., Leach, J. M, Coulibaly, P. & D. Tapsoba2018. Bias-correction of SNODAS snow water equivalent estimates for NorthAmerica: case study of a Canadian basin. European Geosciences Union (EGU)Meeting. Vienna, Austria. (Oral Presentation)
Zwieback, S. A. Colliander, M. Cosh, J. Martínez-Fernández,H. McNairn, P. Starks, M. Thibeault, & A. Berg 2018. Time-variablevegetation biases in the SMAP soil moisture product and their impact ondiagnosing soil moisture-vegetation coupling. European Geosciences Union (EGU)Meeting. Vienna, Austria. (Oral Presentation)
Zwieback, S., S. Westermann, M., Langer, J., Boike, Marsh,P. &A. Berg 2018. Can satellite soilmoisture retrievals improve permafrost monitoring? European Geosciences Union(EGU) Meeting. Vienna, Austria. (Oral Presentation)
Champagne, O., Arain, A. & P. Coulibaly 2018. Impact ofatmospheric circulation on streamflow in Southern Ontario. Global Water FuturesAnnual Science Meeting. Hamilton, ON. (Oral Presentation)
Abaza M., Anctil F., Fortin V. & Perreault L. 2018. Onthe incidence of meteorological and hydrological processors: Effect ofresolution, sharpness and reliability of hydrological ensemble forecasts. HEPEXWorkshop. Melbourne, Australia. (Oral Presentation)
Thiboult A. & F. Anctil 2018. A data assimilation schemeto foster model cooperation within a hydrological multimodel ensemble. HEPEXWorkshop. Melbourne, Australia. (Oral Presentation)
Song, W. & Y. Zhao 2018. Efficient interference-awareD2D pairing for collaborative data dissemination. IEEE International Conferenceon Communications. . (Oral Presentation)
Tao, X. & W. Song 2018. Efficient task allocation formobile crowd sensing based on evolutionary computing. IEEE InternationalConference on Green Computing and Communications. . (Oral Presentation)
Berg A. 2018. Soilfreeze thaw field experiments in support of SMAP. NASA Jet PropulsionLaboratory. . Pasadena, California. (Oral Presentation)
Nguyen, T-H. & Nguyen, V-T-V. 2018. Scale-invariancegeneralized logistic (GLO) model for estimating extreme design rainfalls in thecontext of climate change. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference onHydroinformatics. Palermo, Italy. (Oral Presentation)
Nguyen, T-H., Nguyen, V-T-V., & H-L. Nguyen 2018. Aspatio-temporal statistical downscaling approach to deriving extreme rainfallIDF relations at ungauged sites in the context of climate change. Proceedingsof the 13th International Conference on Hydroinformatics. Palermo, Italy. (OralPresentation)
Nguyen, V-T-V., Nguyen, T-H. & M. Khalili 2018. Linkingclimate change to urban storm drainage system design: Recent advances inmodeling of extreme rainfall processes. Proceedings of the 21st InternationalAssociation of Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research - Asia PacificDivision Congress. Yogyakarta, Indonesia. (Oral Presentation)
Nguyen, T-H. & Nguyen, V-T-V. 2018. A novelscale-invariance generalized extreme value model based on probability weightedmoments for estimating extreme design rainfalls in the context of climatechange. Proceedings of the ASCE World Environmental and Water ResourcesCongress. Minneapolis, Minnesota. (Oral Presentation)
Nguyen, T-H., Nguyen, V-T-V., & H-L. Nguyen 2018.Assessment of climate change impacts on extreme rainfallintensity-duration-frequency (IDF) relations using downscaled CMIP5 climateprojections. Proceedings of the ASCE World Environmental and Water ResourcesCongress. Minneapolis, Minnesota. (Oral Presentation)
Nguyen, V-T-V. & T-H. Nguyen 2018. Linking climatechange to urban water infrastructure design: Recent advances in modeling ofextreme rainfall processes. Smart Water Grid International Conference. Incheon,South Korea. (Oral Presentation)
Berg A., Williamson, M., Rowlandson, T., Roy, A., Tetlock, E., Derksen, C. & P. Toose 2017. L-band radiometry soil freeze/thaw state validation using ground measurements vs. air temperature. American Geophysical Union. New Orleans, USA. (Oral Presentation)
Brown, S.E., Wagner-Riddle, C. & A. Berg 2017. Assessment of soil hydrology variability of a new weighing lysimeter facility. American Geophysical Union. New Orleans, USA. (Oral Presentation)
Durocher, M., Mostofi Zadeh, S., Burn, D.H. & F. Ashkar 2017. Comparison of automatic procedures in the selection of peaks over threshold: A Canadian case study in the context of climate change. American Geophysical Union. New Orleans, USA. (Oral Presentation)
Keum, J. & P. Coulibaly 2017. H41K-08: Integrated design of multivariate hydrometric networks using entropy theory with a multiobjective optimization approach. American Geophysical Union. New Orleans, USA. (Oral Presentation)
Pardo, R., Berg, A. & J. Warland 2017. Identification of a dynamic temperature threshold for soil moisture freeze/thaw (F/T) state classification using soil real dielectric constant derivatives. American Geophysical Union. New Orleans, USA. (Oral Presentation)
Razavi, T. & Coulibaly, P. 2017. An evaluation of time scale effects on sensitivity and uncertainty of hydrologic models’ parameters. American Geophysical Union. New Orleans, USA. (Poster Presentation)
Rowlandson, T., Berg, A., Roy, A., Kim, E. 2017. Capturing F/T state through remote sensing and ground observations: a validation campaign. American Geophysical Union. New Orleans, USA. (Oral Presentation)
Talbot, C.J. Paterson, M.J. and M.A. Xenopoulos 2017. Nutrient budgets calculated in floodwaters using a whole-ecosystem experimental manipulation. American Geophysical Union. New Orleans, USA. (Oral Presentation)
Yang, Z. & D.H. Burn 2017. Automatic feature selection and weighting for the formation of homogeneous groups for regional Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curve estimation. American Geophysical Union. New Orleans, USA. (Oral Presentation)
Nguyen, V-T-V. 2017. Recent advances in statistical downscaling of rainfall process for impact and adaptation studies in urban areas. Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society. Singapore. (Oral Presentation)
Xenopoulos, M.A. & S.C. D’Amario 2017. Changes in the export of nutrients and carbon during extreme climate events across landscapes. Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO). Honolulu, HI. (Oral Presentation)
Xenopoulos, M.A. & S.C. D’Amario 2017. Changes in the export of nutrients and carbon during extreme climate events across landscapes. Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO). Honolulu, HI. (Oral Presentation)
Kornelsen, K.C. & P. Coulibaly 2017. Interdependence of hydrological model parameters and precipitation. Canadian Geophysical Union & Canadian Society of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. Vancouver, BC. (Oral Presentation)
Champagne, O., Arain, A. & P. Coulibaly 2017. Future evolution of hydrological processes in Southern Ontario. Example of the Big Creek Watershed. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS). Toronto, ON. (Oral Presentation)Wazneh, H., Arain, A., & P. Coulibaly 2017. Impact of climate change on climate indices in latitudes across Canada. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS). Toronto, ON. (Oral Presentation)
Thiboult A. & F. Anctil 2017. Accounting for hydrologic model uncertainty in data assimilation. CGU-CSAFM National Meeting. Vancouver, BC. (Oral Presentation)
Ueckermann E., A. Berg, Champagne, C. & Bonnycastle, A. 2017. Characterizing the SMOS soil moisture-runoff relationship over Canadian catchments. CGU-CSAFM National Meeting. Vancouver, BC. (Oral Presentation)
El Outayek, S. & V-T-V. Nguyen 2017. Modélisation stochastique des pluies extrêmes. Colloque sur le Génie civil et nouveaux défis pour les infrastructures urbaines, 85e Congrès de l’ACFAS. Montreal, QC. (Oral Presentation)
Khalili, M. & V-T-V. Nguyen 2017. Modélisation statistique des températures extrêmes en plusieurs sites. Colloque sur le Génie civil et nouveaux défis pour les infrastructures urbaines, 85e Congrès de l’ACFAS. Montreal, QC. (Oral Presentation)
Nguyen, V-T-V. 2017. Conception des réseaux de drainage urbain dans le contexte de changement climatique. Colloque sur le Génie civil et nouveaux défis pour les infrastructures urbaines, 85e Congrès de l’ACFAS. Montreal, QC. (Oral Presentation)
Bessar, M.A. & F. Anctil 2017. Prévision d'ensemble des niveaux d'eau en rivière. Conférence Recherche hydrologique au Québec 2017. Quebec City, QC. (Oral Presentation)
Rahman, M. & V-T-V. Nguyen 2017. A stochastic approach to downscaling of multisite daily temperature series in the context of climate change. CSCE 23rd Canadian Hydrotechnical Conference. Vancouver, BC. (Oral Presentation)
Mostofi Zadeh, S. & D.H. Burn 2017. Examination of pooled flood frequency analysis for Canadian catchments. CSCE Canadian Hydrotechnical Conference. Vancouver, BC. (Oral Presentation)
Nguyen, T-H. & Nguyen, V-T-V. 2017. Statistical Modeling of Extreme Rainfall processes (SMEXRAIN): A decision support tool for constructing Intensity-Duration-Frequency relations for urban infrastructure design. CSCE Canadian Hydrotechnical Conference. Vancouver, BC. (Oral Presentation)
Tilmant, A. Pina, J. & P. Cote 2017. Valuing physically and financially-induced flexibility in large-scale water resources systems. European Geosciences Union (EGU) Meeting. Vienna, Austria. (Oral Presentation)
Ganguli, P. & P. Coulibaly 2017. Assessing nonstationarity in extreme rainfall records in Southern Ontario. EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Congress. Sacramento, CA. (Oral Presentation)
Han, S., Biondi, D. & P. Coulibaly 2017. Uncertainty estimation through Bayesian Forecasting System: A case study. EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Congress. Sacramento, CA. (Oral Presentation)
Song, W. & Y. Zhao 2017. Efficient interference-aware D2D pairing for collaborative data dissemination. IEEE International Conference on Communications. Kansas City, Missouri. (Oral Presentation)
Xie, J. & W. Song 2017. Channel-aware device-to-device pairing for collaborative content distribution. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC). San Francisco, USA. (Oral Presentation)
Burn, D.H. & P.H. Whitfield 2017. Changes in flooding inferred from centennial length streamflow data records. International Conference on Flood Management. Leeds, UK. (Oral Presentation)
Champagne, O., Arain, A. & P. Coulibaly 2017. Future evolution of hydrological processes in Southern Ontario. Example of the Big Creek Watershed. Long Point Biosphere's 5th Research & Conservation Conference. Simcoe, ON. (Oral Presentation)
D’Amario S.C., M.A. Xenopoulos & R.A. Metcalfe 2017. The influence of agricultural land use and hydrological event on nutrient concentrations and export in streams. Northeastern Ecosystem Research Cooperative (NERC), Biennial Meeting. Saratoga Springs, NY. (Oral Presentation)
Talbot, C.J., M.A. Xenopoulos, & M.J. Paterson 2017. Nutrient budgets calculated in floodwaters using a whole-ecosystem experimental manipulation. Northeastern Ecosystem Research Cooperative (NERC), Biennial Meeting. Saratoga Springs, NY. (Poster Presentation)
Talbot, C.J., Xenopoulos, M.A. & M.J. Paterson 2017. Nutrient budgets calculated in floodwaters using a whole-ecosystem experimental manipulation. Northeastern Ecosystem Research Cooperative (NERC), Biennial Meeting. Saratoga Springs, NY. (Oral Presentation)
D’Amario S.C., Xenopoulos, M.A. & R.A. Metcalfe 2017. The influence of agricultural land use and hydrological event on nutrient concentrations and export in streams. Northeastern Ecosystem Research Cooperative (NERC), Biennial Meeting. Saratoga Springs, NY. (Oral Presentation)
Wazneh, H., Arain, A., & P. Coulibaly 2017. Evidence of change in climate data in the Southern Ontario Region. Ontario Climate Consortium. Toronto, ON. (Oral Presentation)
Nguyen, V-T-V., Yeo, M-H. & T.H. Nguyen 2017. Decision support tool for constructing rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency relations for urban hydraulic structure design in a changing climate. Proceedings of the 37th IAHR World Congress. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Oral Presentation)
Khalili, M. & V-T-V. Nguyen 2017. A statistical approach to multisite downscaling of daily precipitation processes in the context of climate change. Proceedings of the ASCE World Environmental and Water Resources Congress. Sacramento, CA. (Oral Presentation)
Ashkar, F. 2017. Delineation of homogeneous regions based on the seasonal behavior of flood flows: an application to eastern Canada. Proceedings of the EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Congress. Sacramento, CA. (Oral Presentation)
Ashkar, F. 2017. Model selection tools for hydrological frequency analysis: some new results. Proceedings of the EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Congress. Sacramento, CA. (Oral Presentation)
Xie, J. & W. Song 2017. Channel-aware device-to-device pairing for collaborative content distribution. Proceedings of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC). Toronto, ON. (Oral Presentation)
Xie, J., Tao, X. & W. Song 2017. A study of multicast message allocation for content distribution with device-to-device communications. Proceedings of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC). Toronto, ON. (Oral Presentation)
Punlum, P., Chaleeraktrakoon, C. & V-T-V. Nguyen 2017. Development of IDF relations for Thailand in consideration of the scale-invariance properties of extreme rainfall processes. Proceedings of the ASCE World Environmental and Water Resources Congress. Sacramento, CA. (Oral Presentation)
Berg, A. 2017. Soil moisture, soil freeze thaw calibration/validation activities related to SMAP. SMAP-Canada Workshop. Guelph, ON. (Oral Presentation)
Burn, D.H., & Whitfield, P.H. 2016. Changes in flood regimes as inferred from long record gauging stations. 13th International Meeting on Statistical Climatology. Canmore, AB. (Oral Presentation)
Bharath, R., Lakhanpal, A., Elshorbagy, A., Ceola, S., Montanari, A., & Razavi, S. 2016. Framework for National Flood Risk Assessment for Canada. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, USA. (Poster Presentation)
Jha, S.K., Shrestha, D.L., Walford, C., Leong, D., Friesenhan, E., Campbell, D., and Rasmussen, P., 2016. Improving precipitation forecast for Canadian Catchments. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, USA. (Oral Presentation)
Tan, X. & Gan, T.Y. 2016. Non-stationarity analysis of the frequency and intensty of heavy precipitation over Canada and their relations to large-scale climate patterns. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, USA. (Oral Presentation)
Zahmatkesh, Z., Jha, S.K. & Rasmussen, P. 2016. A data-driven model for large scale real-time rainfall forecasting in Western Canada. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, USA. (Oral Presentation)
Muhammad, A., Evenson, G., Boluwade, A., Jha, S. & Rasmussen, P. 2016. Quantifying the impact of geographically isolated wetlands on the downstream hydrology of a Canadian Prairie. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, USA. (Oral Presentation)
McDougall, J.E., Ueckermann, E., Rowlandson, T., & Berg, A. 2016. Evaluating retrievals of soil moisture from C-Band SAR to changes in vegetation throughout a growing season. Canadian Geophysical Union & Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society. Fredericton, NB. (Oral Presentation)
Nambiar, M., Thomas-Ambadan, J., Rowlandson, T., Berg, A., & Barlett, P. 2016. Assimilation of SMOS-retrieved soil moisture and SMOS brightness temperature observations into the Canadian Land Surface Scheme for soil moisture estimation. Canadian Geophysical Union & Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society. Fredericton, NB. (Oral Presentation)
Roy, A., Royer, A., Derksen, C., Toose, P., Bruker, L., Mialon, A., Berg, A., Rowlandson, T., Williamson, M., Langlois, A. & Kerr, Y. 2016. Multi-scale L-Band brightness temperature analysis for soil freezing and thawing process study. Canadian Geophysical Union & Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society. Fredericton, NB. (Oral Presentation)
Ueckermann E., A. Berg, Champagne, C. & Bonnycastle, A. 2016. The relationship between satellite derived soil moisture anomalies and watershed runoff ratios. Canadian Geophysical Union & Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society. Fredericton, NB. (Oral Presentation)
Williamson, M., Rowlandson, T., Berg, A., Derksen, C., Toose, P., Roy, A. & Arnold, L. 2016. The validation of the detection of the soil-free-thaw cycle using L-Band microwave radiometry. Canadian Geophysical Union & Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society. Fredericton, NB. (Oral Presentation)
Ambadan-Thomas, J., Berg, A., & Merryfield, W. 2016. Effects of snow-melt on soil moisture memory and on Land-Atmosphere interaction. Canadian Geophysical Union & Canadian Society of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. Fredericton, NB. (Oral Presentation)
Berg, A. Rowlandson, T., Wrona, E., Woodley, W., MacDougall, J., Ueckermann, E., & Tetlock, E. 2016. Assessment of Soil Moisture Products from the Soil Moisture Active Passive Mission with data from several validation sites in Canada. Canadian Geophysical Union & Canadian Society of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. Fredericton, NB. (Oral Presentation)
Bharath, R. & Elshorbagy, A. 2016. Integrated flood risk assessment and zonation of a prairie watershed. Canadian Water Resources Association Annual Meeting. Montreal, QC. (Oral Presentation)
Hossain, K., Elshorbagy, A., Bharath, R., Davison, B., & Wheater, H. 2016. A comparative study of the flood generation algorithms in MESH hydrological model. Canadian Water Resources Association Annual Meeting. Montreal, QC. (Oral Presentation)
Kokas, T. 2016. Evaluating the effect of urbanization on flooding in the Black Creek sub-watershed. Canadian Water Resources Association Annual Meeting. Montreal, QC. (Oral Presentation)
Seiller, G., Roy, R. & Anctil, F. 2016. An ensemble framework for lumped conceptual modelling. Canadian Water Resources Association Annual Meeting. Montreal, QC. (Oral Presentation)
Tilmant, A. 2016. Sharing the benefit foregone associated with environmental flows in a multireservoir hydropower system. Canadian Water Resources Association Annual Meeting. Montreal, QC. (Oral Presentation)
Wazneh, H. 2016. Historical spatial and temporal climate trends in Southern Ontario. Canadian Water Resources Association Annual Meeting. Montreal, QC. (Oral Presentation)
Wazneh, H. 2016. Identification of hydrological neighbourhood using the statistical depth function. Canadian Water Resources Association Annual Meeting. Montreal, QC. (Oral Presentation)
Zadeh, S. M. & Burn, D.H. 2016. Pool flood frequency analysis in Atlantic Canada. Canadian Water Resources Association Annual Meeting. Montreal, QC. (Oral Presentation)
Razavi, T. & Coulibaly, P. 2016. Advances in hydrologic data assimilation. Computational Methods in Water Resources. Toronto, ON. (Oral Presentation)
Yeo, M.H. & Nguyen, V-T-V. 2016. A decision support tool for assessing climate change impacts on local rainfall extremes. Conference Proceedings of the ASCE World Environmental and Water Resources Congress. West Palm Beach, USA. (Oral Presentation)
Yeo, M.H., Nguyen, V-T-V. & Nguyen, T-H. 2016. Statistical downscaling of extreme rainfall processes (SDExRain): A decision support tool for assessing the climate change impacts on local rainfall extremes. Conference Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research. Kyoto, Japan. (Oral Presentation)
Muhammad, A., Rasmussen, P., Boluwade, A. & Jha, S. 2016. Parameter and Model Structure Uncertainty in Stream Flow Simulation of Upper Assiniboine River Basin Through Soil Water Assessment. European Geosciences Union (EGU) Meeting. Vienna, Austria. (Oral Presentation)
Liu, H., Tolson, B.A., Craig, J.Rj., Shafii, M., & Basu, N. 2016. A priori discretization quality metrics for distributed hydrologic modeling applications. European Geosciences Union (EGU) Meeting. Vienna, Austria. (Oral Presentation)
Ashkar, F. 2016. Statistical tools for choice between probability distributions for hydrological frequency analysis. EWRI/ASCE World Environmental and Water Resources Congress. West Palm Beach, USA. (Oral Presentation)
Abaza M., Fortin V., Perreault L. & Anctil F. 2016. Exploiting the novel Canadian Metereological Ensemble Reforecasting Systems. HEPEX Workshop. Quebec City, QC. (Oral Presentation)
Awol, F.S. & P. Coulibaly 2016. Comparison of ensembled verification metrics on daily mean flows and monthly peak flows. HEPEX Workshop. Quebec City, QC. (Oral Presentation)
Kornelsen, K.C. & P. Coulibaly 2016. Investigating the relationship between precipitation input and model parameter distribution during calibration: Initial results from 72 Canadian Basins. HEPEX Workshop. Quebec City, QC. (Oral Presentation)
Thiboult A., F. Anctil & Ramos, M.H. 2016. Investigating quality and value of dissimilar streamflow forecasting systems. HEPEX Workshop. Quebec City, QC. (Oral Presentation)
Zhao, Y. & Song, W. 2016. Social-Aware Energy-Efficient Data Dissemination with D2D Communications. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference. Nanjing, China. (Oral Presentation)
Li, P., Miyazaki, T., Guo, S., & Zhuang, W. 2016. Online scheduling of mobile stations for disaster management. Proc. IEEE Globecom'16. Washington, USA. (Oral Presentation)
D’Amario S.C., H.F. Wilson & M.A. Xenopoulos 2016. Regional differences in nutrient concetration-discharge relationships in agricultural streams. Society for Freshwater Science (SFS), Annual Meeting. Sacramento, CA. (Oral Presentation)
Burn, D.H., & Whitfield, P.H. 2016. An exploration of the nature of nonstationarity in flood regimes. STAHY International Workshop. Quebec City, QC. (Poster Presentation)
Nguyen, T-H., & Nguyen, V-T-V. 2016. A decision support tool for estimating extreme design rainfalls. STAHY International Workshop. Quebec City, QC. (Oral Presentation)
Yeo, M.H. & Nguyen, V-T-V. 2016. A decision support tool for assessing the climate change impacts on local rainfall extremes. STAHY International Workshop. Quebec City, QC. (Poster Presentation)
Liu, H. & B. A. Tolson 2016. Measurement uncertainty effects on hydrologic modeling calibration. XXI International Conference Computational Methods in Water Resources. Toronto, ON. (Oral Presentation)
Zareie, A. & Nguyen, V-T-V. 2015. Estimation of the point-to-area rainfall correction factors in the context of climate change. 10th International Workshop on Precipitation in Urban Areas. Pontresina, Switzerland. (Oral Presentation)
Nguyen, V-T-V. 2015. Linking climate change to hydrological impacts and adaptation studies: recent advances in modeling of hydrologic processes over a wide range of space and time scales. 12th Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society. Singapore. (Oral Presentation)
Kornelsen, K.C. & P. Coulibaly 2015. Differences in the Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Soil Moisture from Near Surface Hydrology in a Land Surface Scheme. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, USA. (Oral Presentation)
Coulibaly, P., Rasmussen, P., Burn, D.H., & Pietroniro, A. 2015. State of Flood Forecasting in Canada. Canadian Geophysical Union-American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly. Montreal, QC. (Oral Presentation)
Humphrey, R., Adams, J., Berg, A., Marsh, P. 2015. Evaluating the sensitivity of C-Band RADARSAT-2 SAR data to active layer soil moisture over arctic tundra in Trail Valley Creek, NT. Canadian Geophysical Union-American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly. Montreal, QC. (Oral Presentation)
Rowlandson, T., Chabot, M., Berg, A. 2015. Evaluation of SMOS frozen ground flags. Canadian Geophysical Union-American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly. Montreal, QC. (Oral Presentation)
Williamson, M., Rowlandson, T., Ambadan, J., Berg, A. & Helgason, W. 2015. Assessing the sensitvity of the soil moisture and ocean salinity (SMOS) observed brightness temperature for soil freeze-thaw detection during wet snow conditions. Canadian Geophysical Union-American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly. Montreal, QC. (Oral Presentation)
Woodley, W., Berg, A., Adams, J., Rowlandson, T. 2015. Comparison of upscaled soil moisture measurements from a SMAP validation network using six techniques. Canadian Geophysical Union-American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly. Montreal, QC. (Oral Presentation)
Anctil, F. 2015. Quantifying and Reducing the Predictive Uncertainty of Floods. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Hydrotechnical Conference. Montreal, QC. (Oral Presentation)
Burn, D.H., Coulibaly, P., Rasmussen, P., Ashkar, F. & Gan, T.Y. 2015. Flood Regimes in Canada: Learning from the Past and Preparing for the Future. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Hydrotechnical Conference. Montreal, QC. (Oral Presentation)
Coulibaly, P. 2015. FloodNet Overview. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Hydrotechnical Conference. Montreal, QC. (Oral Presentation)
Nguyen, V.T.V. 2015. Developments of New Methods for Updating IDF Curves in Canada. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Hydrotechnical Conference. Montreal, QC. (Oral Presentation)
Rasmussen, P. 2015. Evaluation of Flood Forecasting and Warning Systems in Canada. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Hydrotechnical Conference. Montreal, QC. (Oral Presentation)
Xenopoulos, M. 2015. Risk analysis of physical, socio-economic, and environmental impacts of floods. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Hydrotechnical Conference. Montreal, QC. (Oral Presentation)
Burn, D.H., & Whitfield, P.H. 2015. Identification of changes in floods and flood regimes in Canada. Canadian Water Resources Association Annual Meeting. Winnipeg, MB. (Oral Presentation)
Nguyen, T-V-T. & Yeo, M.H. 2014. A spatio-temporal downscaling approach to construction of rainfall intensity-duration-frequency relations in the context of climate change. Conference Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics. New York, USA. (Oral Presentation)
Yeo, M.H. & Nguyen, V-T-V. 2014. A spatial-temporal statistical modeling of sub-daily extreme rainfall processes for climate change impact assessment in urban areas. Conference Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Urban Drainage. Kuching, Malaysia. (Oral Presentation)
Yeo, M.H. & Nguyen, V-T-V. 2014. Statistical modeling of precipitation process for an ungauged site in the context of climate change. Conference Proceedings of the 19th Congress of the Asia-Pacific Division of the International Association for Hydro-environment Engineering and Research. Hanoi, Vietnam. (Oral Presentation)
Yeo, M.H. & Nguyen, V-T-V. 2015. An integrated extreme rainfall modeling tool for climate change impacts and adaptation in urban areas. Conference Proceedings of the 22nd Canadian Hydrotechnical Conference. Montreal, QC. (Oral Presentation)
Nguyen, T-V-T. & Khalil, M. 2015. Statistical Modeling of multiside precipitation processes in the context of climate change. Conference Proceedings of the 36th International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research World Congress. The Hagues, Netherlands. (Oral Presentation)
Nguyen, T-V-T. & Khalil, M. 2014. Multi-site statistical downscaling of daily precipitation processes. Conference Proceedings of the ASCE World Environmental and Water Resources Congress. Austin, USA. (Oral Presentation)
Nguyen, T-V-T. & Yeo, M.H. 2015. Statistical downscaling of daily precipitation process at an ungaged location in the context of climate change. Conference Proceedings of the ASCE World Environmental and Water Resources Congress. Austin, USA. (Oral Presentation)
Nguyen, V.T.V. 2014. Recent advances in downscaling methods for linking climate change to hydrological impact studies. Conference Proceedings, UNESCO International Conference on Ecohydrology. Yogyakarta, Indonesia. (Oral Presentation)
Anctil, F. 2015. Réseau pancanadien de recherche sur les inondations. Congrès Infra. Quebec City, QC. (Oral Presentation)
Xenopoulos, M.A. 2015. Risk analysis of physical, socio-economic, and environmental impacts of floods. CSCE 22nd Canadian Hydrotechnical Conference. Montreal, QC. (Oral Presentation)
Thiboult, A., Anctil, F., & Boucher, M.A. 2015. Combining meteorological ensemble prediction, data assimilation and hydrological multimodel to reduce and untangle sources of uncertainty. European Geosciences Union (EGU) Meeting. Vienna, Austria. (Oral Presentation)
Abaza, M., Anctil, F., Fortin, V., &Turcotte, R. 2015. Exploration of Ensemble Kalman filter streamflow assimilation in snow dominated watersheds. IUGG General Assembly & IAHS Symposia. Prague, Czech Republic. (Oral Presentation)
Zhuang, W. & Malekshan, K.M. 2015. Spectrum and energy efficient medium access control for wireless ad hoc networks. Ontario and Canada Research Chairs Symposium. Toronto, ON. (Poster Presentation)